• Duration 9 weeks
  • Lectures 0
  • Skill level All levels
  • Quizzes 0
  • Pass parcentages 80
  • Certificate Yes
  • User Avatar


  • Category:

    iOS Development

  • 0 enrolled students
  • eng, arabic

The specific course content may vary depending on the level of the course (beginner, intermediate, or advanced) and the intended audience (students, professionals, etc.).

iOS Development
IOS The specific course content may vary depending on the level of the course (beginner, intermediate, or advanced) and the intended audience (students, professionals, etc.). An iOS mobile app course content could include the following topics:

1. Introduction to iOS development

  • Understanding the iOS ecosystem

  • Setting up Xcode and Swift

  • Understanding the architecture of iOS apps

2. User interface design

  • Designing app screens and layouts

  • Working with view controllers and storyboard

  • Implementing UI components like buttons, labels, and text fields

3. Programming fundamentals

  • Data types and variables

  • Control flow statements like loops and conditional statements

  • Functions and methods

4. Networking and data persistence

  • Working with RESTful APIs

  • Parsing JSON data

  • Implementing Core Data for local data persistence

5. Using device hardware and software features

  • Working with camera and photo library

  • Implementing location services and maps

  • Using device sensors like gyroscope and accelerometer

6. Testing and Deployment

  • Debugging and testing apps

  • Preparing and submitting apps to the App Store

  • Understanding the app review process

7. Advanced topics

  • Implementing push notifications

  • Using Firebase for real-time data synchronization

  • Implementing in-app purchases

  • Integrating third-party libraries

Main Content