• Duration 20 weeks
  • Lectures 0
  • Skill level All levels
  • Quizzes 0
  • Pass parcentages 80
  • Certificate Yes
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  • Category:

    Android Development

  • 0 enrolled students
  • eng, tam

Native App | Hybrid app

Android App Development

Here are some topics that could be covered in an Android Mobile App development course:

  • Introduction to Android: Introduction to Android OS, Android Architecture, and Android Studio

  • Java and Android: Basic Java concepts, Java for Android, and Android APIs.

  • User Interface Development: Building user interfaces using various UI elements such as TextView, Edit Text, List View, Grid View, Spinner, and Recycler View.

  • Android Layouts: Understanding layout managers such as Linear Layout, Relative Layout, and Constraint Layout.

  • Intents and Intent Filters: Understanding the intent system, creating and handling intents, and using intent filters to launch activities.

  • Storage and Data Persistence: Storing data using SQLite database, Shared Preferences, and External Storage.

  • Networking and Web Services: Consuming web services, making HTTP requests, and parsing JSON data.

  • Notifications: Creating notifications using NotificationCompat API.

  • Location and Maps: Understanding location-based services, integrating Google Maps, and using Location Manager.

  • Multimedia: Playing audio and video, recording audio, and capturing images.

  • Publishing an App: Preparing an app for deployment, signing an app, and publishing it on the Google Play Store.

  • Android Development Best Practices: Writing clean and efficient code, optimizing app performance, and following best practices for app development.

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